• Mon & Fri: 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm, Tue & Wed: 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm
  • Thu: Closed

Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023-2024

The Government’s Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a new system to assess how well social housing landlords in England are delivering quality homes and services. Starting April 1, 2023, the City of Wolverhampton Council must collect, report, and publish Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) data to give tenants more visibility of its performance. The Council has published the figures for 2023/24 on the Council's website.

You Ready For Universal Credit?

From December 2017, Universal Credit will be extended to couples and families with less than three children making new claims for the first time or by experiencing a change in benefits known as a "Trigger".